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Biweekly items (basic details about biweekly items)

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Biweekly items (basic details about biweekly items)


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  • 2024-06-25 05:00:53

    1. Two weeks is a game term, which is spelled as è r zh ō u m ù and English name is Diptera. When playing a game for the first time or for the first time, it is called one week after playing all game levels.

    2. After passing the customs, if there is an archive inheritance setting, inherit the current archive and continue to play again. This is called fortnightly.

    3. If you do not inherit the archive records of a weekly item, or if you do not start over, it is not called a weekly item.

    4. In general, two-week program means playing the game again from beginning to end under the premise of archive inheritance settings.

    5. Three week eyes, four week eyes, etc.


    2024-06-25 05:00:53

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