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Efficiency building of organs (introduction to basic details of efficiency building of organs)

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Efficiency building of organs (introduction to basic details of efficiency building of organs)


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  • 2024-06-04 17:01:34

    1. The construction of organ efficiency is an important part of management science. It is a high-level management form and carrier. It is a management activity that takes efficiency as the basic goal, aims to achieve high quality and efficiency, and organically combines all elements of management to perform duties according to law.

    2. The organ and its staff are the embodiment of effectiveness and the subject of effectiveness; The people are the beneficiaries and objects of efficiency construction.

    3. The subject behavior of efficiency construction is an administrative behavior with management as the means, service as the purpose, and satisfaction as the purpose.

    The basic details of this article on the efficiency building of the organs are explained, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.


    2024-06-04 17:01:34

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