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How to clean the black tripe surface (how to clean the black tripe)

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How to clean the black tripe surface (how to clean the black tripe)


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  • 2024-06-09 20:01:35

    To clean the tripe, you need to soak it in water for a day to remove the impurities on it, and then wash it once with water. Then take half a bowl of salt and rice vinegar to repeatedly scrub the tripe to remove the mucus, and then divide the tripe into small pieces, put it into a cold pan, heat it while scraping off the black skin with a knife until it becomes soft, and then take it out and repeatedly rinse it with water.

    1、 How to clean black tripe

    1. Soaking

    Before cleaning the tripe, we can soak it in water for a day. In the process of soaking, we can remove impurities in tripe. After soaking, we can take it out and wash it with water.

    2. Scrub with salt and rice vinegar

    The washed tripe shall be repeatedly scrubbed with salt, then with rice vinegar, and the hands shall be repeatedly rubbed until the mucus on the tripe is removed.

    3. Scrape off black skin

    Then put the tripe into a cold water pan and heat it. During the heating process, scrape the black skin off the tripe repeatedly with a knife, and cook it until it becomes soft.

    4. Flushing

    Remove the softened tripe and rinse repeatedly until completely clean.


    2024-06-09 20:01:35

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