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Wuxi Yunzhong Electric Appliance Co., Ltd. (About Wuxi Yunzhong Electric Appliance Co., Ltd.)

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Wuxi Yunzhong Electric Appliance Co., Ltd. (About Wuxi Yunzhong Electric Appliance Co., Ltd.)


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  • 2024-06-17 12:00:00

    1. Wuxi Yunzhong Electric Appliance Co., Ltd. Wuxi Yunzhong Electric Appliance Co., Ltd. specializes in the production of single pole and multi pole safety slide wire. This product is a science and technology development plan project of Jiangsu Provincial Science and Technology Commission in 1991, and has been tested by the Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Center of the Ministry of Railways and Wuxi Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute.

    2. In terms of insulation performance, anti-aging performance, reliability performance and safety performance, it has reached the quality standards of foreign similar products, and has the effect of electricity saving and energy saving.

    The introduction of Wuxi Yunzhong Electric Appliance Co., Ltd. in this article is over, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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