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Meng Xing (basic details about Meng Xing)

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Meng Xing (basic details about Meng Xing)


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  • 2024-06-20 03:00:52

    1. Meng Xing, male, the online name of Diaoye, an Internet celebrity, the chairman of Drift Net, a cutting-edge writer, is currently the chairman of the board of directors of Afu, the first brand of Taobao essential oil, and the founder of Diaoye Beef Brisket.

    2. Meng Xing started the brand of Afu essential oil in 2006. In September 2009, the brand went online. In 10 years, the online sales exceeded 20 million. It took about one year to build an unknown brand of cosmetics essential oil into a leading brand in the industry.


    2024-06-20 03:00:52

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