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Sima Guang's information (basic details about Sima Guang's information)

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Sima Guang's information (basic details about Sima Guang's information)


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  • 2024-06-04 18:01:34

    1. Sima Guang (November 17, 1019 to October 11, 1086), male, with the name of Junshi and the name of Weisou, was born in Sushui Township (now Shanxixia County), Xia County, Shaanxi Province, and was known as Mr. Sushui for the world.

    2. A politician, historian and litterateur in the Northern Song Dynasty, he claimed to be the successor of Sima Fu, the king of Anping in the Western Jin Dynasty.

    3. In the first year of Baoyuan of Emperor Renzong of Song Dynasty (1038), he entered the imperial examination and moved to Longtuge as a straight scholar.

    4. During the reign of Emperor Shenzong of the Song Dynasty, he opposed Wang Anshi's reform, left the imperial court for 15 years, and presided over the compilation of the first general chronicle in Chinese history, Zizhi Tongjian.

    5. He served in four dynasties, namely Renzong, Yingzong, Shenzong and Zhezong, and served as the minister's left servant and servant.

    6. He is gentle, modest and upright; Work hard and be diligent.

    7. It boasts that "the power of the day is insufficient, followed by the night", which can be called a model of Confucianism.

    8. There are many books in his life, mainly including Wen Guowen Zhengsima Official Document Collection, Ji Gu Lu, Su Shui Ji Wen, Qian Xu, etc.

    9. On October 11, the first year of Yuanyou (1086), he passed away and gave posthumous posthumous title Wenzheng to Grand Master and Duke Wen.

    10. Rank in the "Yuanyou Party Member", deserve to enjoy the Song Zhe Temple and the Hall of Fame; It was worshipped in the Confucius Temple and called "the first Confucianists who took charge of horses"; From the temple to the emperors of the past dynasties.

    The basic details of Sima Guang's information in this article have been explained, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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