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What are the three Buddhas in the Mahavira Hall

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What are the three Buddhas in the Mahavira Hall


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  • 2024-06-09 20:01:35

    In the Mahavira Hall, there are three horizontal Buddhas representing different worlds in China, East and West, namely Sakyamuni Buddha, Amitabha Buddha and Herbalist Buddha. The three vertical Buddhas representing the past, present and future are Sakyamuni Buddha, Lantern Buddha and Maitreya Buddha. The Mahavira Hall generally refers to the main hall of a Buddhist temple, which is the core building of the whole temple.

    1、 What are the three Buddhas in the Mahavira Hall

    1. Heng III Buddha

    In some Buddhist temples, the Mahavira Hall is dedicated to Buddha III, the Sakyamuni Buddha in charge of the Middle Earth World in the middle, the Medicine Master Buddha in charge of the Oriental Glaze World on the right, and Amitabha Buddha in charge of the Western Blissful World on the left. Sakyamuni Buddha is the educator of the world. Herbalist Buddha protects the world from disasters and diseases. Amitabha Buddha symbolizes longevity.

    2. Erect the third Buddha.

    The Upright Buddha is also called the Three Time Buddha, which refers to the past Buddha, the present Buddha and the future Buddha. Generally, the current Buddha, Sakyamuni, is in the middle, the former Buddha, the Lantern Buddha, is on the left, and the future Buddha, Maitreya, is on the right. Sakyamuni Buddha is the leader of Buddhism. The Lantern Buddha is named after the bright side of his birth. Maitreya Buddha is generally modeled on a cloth bag monk.

    3. The origin of the Mahavira Hall.

    The Mahavira Hall is the main hall of all Buddhist temples. The Mahavira Hall is generally dedicated to Sakyamuni Buddha. The name of Sakyamuni Buddha is "Mahavira", so it is called the Mahavira Hall. "Big" stands for everything, "bear" stands for frightening demons, and "treasure hall" stands for the high house of three treasures of eminent monk.


    2024-06-09 20:01:35

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