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If you want to change a new car, which is more cost-effective, go to the 4S store to replace the old car or sell it to the second-hand car market?

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If you want to change a new car, which is more cost-effective, go to the 4S store to replace the old car or sell it to the second-hand car market?


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  • 2024-06-02 05:00:00

    There was a voice in the market before that, saying not to go to the 4S store for replacement, because the 4S store would sell it to second-hand car dealers, but the wool still comes from the sheep, and the owner always suffers. In recent years, the new second-hand car market represented by Jinan Runhua second-hand car market has emerged. Runhua has a new car business and a used car business. When buying a new car, the owner replaces the used car. The replaced used car is directly sold in the used car market, and there is no middleman to earn the price difference. Therefore, the cost of Runhua's used car market is low and the price is not high. Consumers can buy a used car at a more cost-effective price. More importantly, the second-hand car directly replaced by the owner is more secure in terms of vehicle condition and procedures, and the second-hand car transaction is safer.

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