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What brand is this electric four-wheel? The glass is broken and can't be bought.

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What brand is this electric four-wheel? The glass is broken and can't be bought.


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  • 2024-06-02 05:00:00

    The electric four-wheel has a manual. Follow the address and website on the manual to find the manufacturer. Ask them how to buy the parts of their four-wheel car. After buying, they will send them to the logistics department. However, after receiving the glass, you may have some trouble in finding a master to install it: the main problem is the cost of installation (it is said that the cost of the glass is how much, the installation fee is how much, to put it bluntly, the cost of two pieces of glass). You must negotiate with them about the installation fee before you contact the manufacturer to ask for the glass, otherwise it will be a waste if no one installs it after you buy it.

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