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Ask about mobile travel, and the strategy of the investigation is missing. 3.22 Introduction to the investigation task

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Ask about mobile travel, and the strategy of the investigation is missing. 3.22 Introduction to the investigation task


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  • 2024-06-15 19:01:40

    Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read the article "Quest for mobile travel to detect missing cases". What do you think of the topic of the 3.22 Detective Task Strategy? You can tell me any comments on the article "Quest for Mobile Tour, Lost Detective Strategy, Lost Detective Task Strategy, 3.22". Each of your suggestions is an affirmation and encouragement to the small editor. The editor will continue to bring you more good content tomorrow. I hope you don't miss it. Thanks for your support!

    Ask the mobile travel team to investigate every week. The task of this week is missing. What about this new investigation task? What is the process of missing tasks? How to choose each evidence and identification in the investigation? Here we bring you a detailed explanation of the missing strategies of Ask Mobile Tour.

    Ask about the mobile tour mission outline of missing on March 22

    1. Hong Bin beside the boatman of Tianyong City goes to Xiemapo

    2. Talk to Cheng Wei and check the carriage

    3. Cheng Wei goes to Liang Mansion and talks with Chamberlain Zhang three times

    4. Talk to the Taoist King of Maoshan or Yin and Yang Runes

    5. Old Dong of Tianyong City buys wild snakes and goes back to Liang Mansion to talk with cooks, or notes and snake bile wine

    6. Maid Ah Mui talks, click the cook's note to see Master Liang

    7. Talk to Master Liang and use snake gall wine

    8. Talk to the Liang Family and the husband's steward, click the detective props in the backpack, and use Yin and Yang Runes to eavesdrop on the husband's steward's conversation

    9. Use Luocha Minion's Suit to talk to Luocha Stronghold Guard Minion at Xiemapo to go to Luocha Stronghold

    10. Talk to the Luocha Stronghold minions and buy the Black Wind Stronghold minion clothes from the mysterious Luocha Stronghold minions

    11. Talk to the wounded Luocha Stronghold minion and obtain paper (silver note) in the right hole of Luocha Stronghold

    12. Use the Black Wind Stronghold minion's costume to change into a dialogue with the Black Wind Stronghold minion. Talk with the strange Black Wind Stronghold minion to obtain the sachet

    13. Continue to talk to the minions of Heifeng Stronghold (the role of pirates); Talk to Heifeng Stronghold Leader and Master

    14. Talk to Qianlong Stronghold with the Black Wind Stronghold minions to see the minions and go to Qianlong Stronghold

    15. Talk to the subordinate of Qianlong Stronghold (a little below the leader of Qianlong Stronghold), the leader of Qianlong Stronghold and Tie Hanhan

    16. Go to Qianlong Stronghold warehouse and pass through the dark grid. (The floor tile in the back is not very bright) Go to Cangku to check the body (get suspicious letters), check the silver, and pick up two sets of clothing for women and men.

    17. Back to the Horse Hill behind the minions in Qianlong Stronghold (usually the volcano entrance), click the cane to enter the cave behind Qianlong Stronghold

    18. Talk to the stronghold leader's elder sister in female clothes, knowing that her elder sister is the maid Ah Zhu; Use a suspicious letter to talk to the creditor's sister, knowing that her sister is Liang Fei

    19. Continue talking to Liang Feiyan, and then kill Nie Qianlong (output 2 rounds to die, easy to kill). Click Nie Qianlong's corpse to get the jade pendant

    20. Continue talking to Liang Feiyan to get Liang Feiyan's keepsake, and return to Xiema Bo to talk to Cheng Wei


    Widow's Black Hand: Leader of Qianlong Stronghold

    Where the silver goes: Hidden Warehouse of Qianlong Stronghold, evidence: a bundle of packing list

    Nie Qianlong instigates the bandits to rob the letters with suspicious evidence for him

    Evidence of the cave behind Qianlong Stronghold where Liang Feiyan is located: Liang Feiyan's keepsake

    Liang Feiyan's motive: unwilling to get married and fleeing

    The Liang Mansion is haunted like: An Azhu will play a ghost to frighten people. Evidence: clothes used to play a ghost

    Master Liang refused because he thought that Liang Feiyan was a ghost after her death and hid in the house

    Several identities of behind the scenes criminals: four

    Behind the scenes motive: nibbling the property evidence of Liang Mansion step by step: Nie Qianlong's jade medal

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