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Small Sunday (basic details about small Sunday)

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Small Sunday (basic details about small Sunday)


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  • 2024-06-25 11:00:00

    1. Small weekday, originally means that the earth rotates once, that is, the day and night cycle once; Later, by extension, the Internal Alchemy skill is used to imply that the internal qi circulates in the body along the Ren and Du meridians, that is, the internal qi starts from the lower elixir field, passes through the perineum, passes through the anus, passes through the three passes of the tail, Jiaji and jade pillow along the spine and the Du meridians, arrives at the top of the head mud ball, and then goes down from the two ears and cheeks, to the tip of the tongue (or to greet the incense, go to the magpie bridge).

    2. Connect with Ren pulse and return to the elixir field along the middle of chest and abdomen.

    3. Because its scope is relatively small, it is called Xiaozhoutian.

    4. It is also known as Meridian Week, taking ridge to fill and leaving, water and fire are both economic, and jade liquid is also elixir.


    2024-06-25 11:00:00

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