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Has the owner shared how Xiaopeng's car drives? Is the price of Xiaopeng P7 appropriate?

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Has the owner shared how Xiaopeng's car drives? Is the price of Xiaopeng P7 appropriate?


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  • 2024-06-02 07:01:35

    Years ago, I bought a Xiaopeng P7 rear drive ultra long endurance version, which is less than 260000 yuan overall. If the configuration is different from mine, the price may also be different. However, as a new energy intelligent car race, I think it is very suitable. After all, Xiaopeng P7 has brought me too many surprises, and its cost performance is too high. The NEDC comprehensive endurance of my car is 670km. My work place is close to my home. Generally, I recharge it every half a month, even if the urban road is crowded sometimes.

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