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Mobile battle fusion 7-10 strategy 7-10 clearance lineup sharing

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Mobile battle fusion 7-10 strategy 7-10 clearance lineup sharing


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  • 2024-06-15 19:01:40

    Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read the 7-10 Strategy 7-10 clearance lineup of mobile combat fusion and share this article. What do you think of the topic shared by the 7-10 strategy and 7-10 clearance lineup of today's mobile battle fusion? You can tell me any comments on the sharing of the 7-10 clearance lineup of mobile fusion 7-10. Each of your suggestions is an affirmation and encouragement to the small editor. The editor will continue to bring you more good content tomorrow. I hope you don't miss it. Thanks for your support!

    Mobile Warfare Fusion is a kind of mecha cultivation game. Some players are stuck in the 7-10 level, which is still difficult. To pass this level, we need some skills. I have sorted out and collected the relevant strategies. Now let's follow me to see the detailed contents of the strategies. I hope I can help you.

    Tactics of 7-10 clearance lineup for mobile battle fusion:

    Everyone should have three blue and one purple cards

    The main thing is to protect the enemy and quickly reduce the number of troops

    My life was given by nurses and guards

    The 7-10 BOSS station will clear the small ones first, and then open the shield limitlessly. Don't connect to BOSS

    The mission will send several sets of 4-star and 5-star entries, which are good. If you are strong enough to use 6 stars in the early stage, you can use them. If you are strong enough to use 5 stars, you can strengthen them to 9+

    The character is generally an assistant (preferably with the ability to increase attack)+aoe+monomer+armor breaking, in which repeated positioning can be added to other characters

    The auxiliary can wear the blood suit, and the output can wear the attack/speed/critical hit sleeve

    [Introduction to World View]

    In 2143 of the Western calendar, the phenomenon of "puppetization" for unknown reasons suddenly appeared on the earth. Once any creature and machine "puppetization" would break away from the original consciousness and become extremely aggressive... With the increasing number of "puppets" on the surface, frequent riots occurred in various countries, and human beings were forced to fight with "puppets". "Puppets" transform biology and machinery without limitation, and the endless war of attrition gradually forces human beings into a desperate situation. The whole earth surface is in chaos, 80% of the land has been occupied by "puppets", and the human world is ruined

    The puppet war is becoming more and more intense, and the traditional weapons have no way to deal with the puppet. To launch a counterattack against the puppet, human beings must resist the manipulation of the front line. Under the crisis, the "Artisty Gear Plan" came into being.


    2024-06-15 19:01:40

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