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Urban domestic waste (basic details about urban domestic waste)

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Urban domestic waste (basic details about urban domestic waste)


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  • 2024-06-18 12:00:00

    1. Municipal waste is a mixture of urban solid waste, including industrial waste, construction waste and domestic waste.

    2. The quantity and nature of industrial waste residue and the degree of its environmental pollution vary greatly and should be managed uniformly.

    3. According to different conditions, each factory will directly or after treatment to meet the emission standards, and then place them in the designated area.

    4. Construction waste is generally pollution-free solid and can be disposed by landfill method.

    5. Domestic garbage is the solid waste residue produced by people in their daily life. There are many kinds of garbage, including organic matter and inorganic matter, which should be classified, collected, transported and treated.


    2024-06-18 12:00:00

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