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China Shipping Group (on the basic details of China Shipping Group)

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China Shipping Group (on the basic details of China Shipping Group)


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  • 2024-06-30 17:01:37

    1. The full name of CNOOC Real Estate is: CNOOC Real Estate Group Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Hong Kong China Overseas Group Co., Ltd. Its predecessor, CNOOC Real Estate Co., Ltd., was registered on August 8, 2002, with a registered capital of 610.2 million yuan, and the enterprise type is a Sino foreign joint venture.

    2. As the holding company of China Overseas Land Group Co., Ltd., China Overseas Land Development Co., Ltd. was listed in Hong Kong in 1992 (Stock Exchange of Hong Kong code: 0688), and was once rated as the main real estate enterprise among the top 100 listed companies in China (Hong Kong and mainland China) by the internationally renowned Fortune magazine.

    3. Founded in 1979 and headquartered in Hong Kong, CNOOC Real Estate is a company whose business involves real estate development, office development and operation.

    4. Listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 1992; In 2007, it was selected as a constituent stock of Hang Seng Index.

    5. The company's business involves high-quality residential and commercial real estate.

    6. On January 21, 2021, Hurun Research Institute released the Hurun Brand List 2020, ranking China Shipping 83rd with a brand value of 23.5 billion yuan.


    2024-06-30 17:01:37

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