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Xixiakou Wildlife Park (basic details about Xixiakou Wildlife Park)

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Xixiakou Wildlife Park (basic details about Xixiakou Wildlife Park)


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  • 2024-06-20 08:02:25

    1. Xixiakou Wildlife Park, the full name of "Shendiaoshan Wildlife Nature Reserve", is located in Xixiakou Village, Chengshan Town, Weihai (Rongcheng) City, Shandong Province.

    2. The total investment has exceeded 100 million yuan, covering an area of 3800 mu, and there are animal habitats such as the beast area, herbivore area, marine animal area, African animal area, bear park, bird park, raptor park, orangutan park, leopard wolf mountain, monkey mountain, golden monkey house, panda house, etc.

    3. Xixiakou Wildlife Park is the largest and most unique coastal wildlife nature reserve in China.

    4. It has more than 150 kinds of national first and second class protected animals, and more than 1500 heads (animals).

    5. In October 2005, Shandong Province released the "Golden Week Top Ten Tourist Attractions" list, and Shendiaoshan Wildlife Nature Reserve ranked among the top ten in the "City Park and Amusement Park" category.

    6. The natural environment here is good, and the suitable climate conditions are suitable for many kinds of animals to live here. Most of the animals in the reserve can reproduce in the area.

    7. There are also tourist attractions such as Jade Avalokitesvara, Temple of Guan Di, Relics of Sculpture Shooting of the First Qin Emperor, and Xiazhu Temple built by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

    8. In Shendiaoshan Wildlife Nature Reserve, tourists can play with macaques; Can shake hands with seals; May ask the sea lion for a gentle kiss; You can take a group photo with Han Bear; You can also drive a horse to ride the wind! When you come here, you can hear the roaring of tigers and lions, hear the singing of monkeys and birds, watch bears fight and leopards hunt, watch monkeys play, watch sea lions and seals swim, and watch fairies and dolphins perform. You can feel the beauty of heaven and earth, touch the vastness of the vast sea, and give people the feeling of "experiencing the wild and returning to nature".


    2024-06-20 08:02:25

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