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Actor Yu Yi (basic details about actor Yu Yi)

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Actor Yu Yi (basic details about actor Yu Yi)


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  • 2024-06-05 17:01:35

    1. Yu Yi, a Han nationality, was born in Qingdao, Shandong Province on August 21, 1978. He is a male actor from mainland China and graduated from Shanghai Theater Academy.

    2. In 2001, he participated in the TV play "Folding Fan and Exploring Flowers" and officially entered the performing arts circle; Later, he appeared in "Ambition", "Who understands my heart", "I am a grass", "Golden branches and jade leaves" and so on.

    3. In 2008, he won the Best Supporting Actor Award of the 11th Zolin Drama Art Award by virtue of I Love You, and became a star in the performing arts circle.

    4. In 2011, she participated in the medical theme urban drama "Mind Skill".

    5. In 2012, she starred in Who's Afraid of Love.

    6. In 2013, she won the honorary award of "2013 National Opera Festival Audience's Favorite Role" by virtue of her role as the second girl in the TV series Dog Beating Staff, and was well known by the audience.

    7. In 2014, he starred in Brave Heart; Later, he starred in the series of online drama Soul Ferry.

    8. On June 6, 2020, the TV play "The Most Beautiful Village" was broadcast.

    The basic details of actor Yu Yi in this article have been explained, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.


    2024-06-05 17:01:35

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