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Su Qing (basic details about Su Qing)

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Su Qing (basic details about Su Qing)


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  • 2024-06-26 02:01:34

    1. Su Qing, born in Nanning, Guangxi, is an independent singer in mainland China and graduated from the University of Manchester, UK.

    2. Su Qing is a musician who insists on publishing songs in the form of music diary every week. At the end of the songs, "Creation Date, Beijing, Qing" is always reserved.

    3. Representative works include Double Sided Spy, Want to Love, How Much You Want to Love You, Your Trilogy, Let the World Hear, Your Revolution, Like Me, Toy Story, Dreams Are the Flower of Horse Love, etc.


    2024-06-26 02:01:34

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