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Weibo taboo: introduction to the method of removing the taboo on Weibo

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Weibo taboo: introduction to the method of removing the taboo on Weibo


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  • 2024-06-15 07:00:00

    Now we are using mobile phones more and more frequently, and mobile phones have also provided us with many conveniences. Today's editor will also talk about the microblog taboo: articles related to the introduction of microblog taboo removal methods, which is actually not complicated. Next, let's introduce the microblog taboo: introduction of microblog taboo removal methods, let's have a look:

    1. If your mobile phone is lost and cannot be used normally, please replace the card for the lost mobile phone as soon as possible. After the card is replaced, reinstall the micro shield and initialize it. After initialization, bind the micro blog account to use it normally;

    2. If the mobile phone number is no longer used, please provide the first three digits of the current password, the first three digits of the historical password, the registration location and the bound mobile phone number. After the customer service personnel verify that the information is correct, they will unbind you manually.

    I believe this article can help you by introducing the way to remove the ban on microblog. When sharing it with good friends, you are also welcome to discuss it with interested partners.

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