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Apple for Christmas or Christmas Eve (apple for Christmas)

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Apple for Christmas or Christmas Eve (apple for Christmas)


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  • 2024-06-12 11:01:38

    1. The homonym of apple is "Pingguo", which means peace and harmony.

    2. Sending an apple, a symbol of peace, to your friends is not only a good blessing to your friends, but also a way to maintain friendly relations between relatives and friends.

    3. In fact, only China has it.

    4. The origin of Christmas apples came from the Czech Republic and Germany.

    5. In the Czech Republic, Apple represents the forecast for the coming year. They will cut the apple. If you can see the apple core at first sight, it indicates good luck in the coming year. If not, it indicates bad luck in the coming year.

    6. In Germany, Apple represents a kind of praise for children. It is said that Santa Claus will wear the clothes of saints, ride around in a two wheeled carriage, and then observe people's behavior. Those who perform well, especially those who perform well, will put many prizes such as apples, nuts and sugar in the children's shoes, while those who perform poorly will be whipped.

    7. In fact, Bian Xiao believes that no matter what its meaning is, as long as it can bring positive energy to the festival, it is worth doing. Apples are rich in nutrients, such as organic acids, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, polyphenols, flavonoids, etc. It is a "all-round healthy fruit". The person you want to bless is also healthy.

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