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Ear fungus (about the basic details of Ear fungus)

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Ear fungus (about the basic details of Ear fungus)


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  • 2024-06-05 14:01:34

    1. Boea hygrometrica? (Bunge) R. Br. is a perennial herb of the genus Gesneriaceae and Gesneriaceae.

    2. The leaves are all basal, rosette shaped, sessile, nearly round, oval, ovate, with teeth or wavy shallow teeth on the edge, and the leaf veins are not obvious.

    3. Cymes umbellate, each inflorescence with flowers; Bracts minute or inconspicuous; Pedicel pubescent.

    4. Calyx campanulate, lobes slightly unequal, linear prostrate lanceolate, pubescent outside, apex obtuse, entire.

    5. Corolla pale blue purple, outside nearly glabrous; The tube is about 5 mm long; The eaves is slightly 2-lipped, the upper lip lobes are equal, oblong, and the lower lip lobes are wide ovate or ovate, the stamen filaments are flat, and the anthers are oval, connected at the top and confluent at the top; No disc.

    6. The pistil does not extend beyond the corolla, the ovary is ovoid oblong, the style is glabrous, and the stigma is capitate.

    7. Capsule oblong; The seeds are ovoid, blossom from July to August, and bear fruit in September.

    The basic details of this article are introduced, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.


    2024-06-05 14:01:34

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