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Dapo (basic details about Dapo)

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Dapo (basic details about Dapo)


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  • 2024-06-05 16:02:25

    1. Dapo Town is located in the northeast of Gaozhou City, Guangdong Province, 60 kilometers away from the urban area of Gaozhou. It is adjacent to Yangchun City in the east and Nahuo Town in Dianbai County in the south; The west is connected with Changpo Town; It is adjacent to Pingshan Town and Magui Town in the north.

    2. With a total area of 236 square kilometers (2017), it is the largest town in Gaozhou City, governing 25 village committees and one neighborhood committee, including Gecang, Pengqing, Kengtang, etc.

    3. By 2020, the population of Dapo Town is 50730.

    The basic details of this article about Dapo have been explained, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.


    2024-06-05 16:02:25

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