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INSTAGRAM repost coming soon

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INSTAGRAM repost coming soon


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  • 2024-06-17 14:01:35

    Instagram is one of the most popular social media applications in the world, and it is preparing to launch a new feature. This new feature will allow users to republish posts that have been published by other users. Matt Navarra, a social media analyst, first discovered this new feature. Navarra shared a screenshot of this new Instagram feature on Twitter.

    In the pictures he shared, you can see the old tags commonly used on your Instagram profile. However, the old tag comes with a new tag. It is marked as "Forward" The purpose of this tab is that it will keep all the posts you have republished so that you can easily distinguish them from the original posts.

    Instagram responds to the speculation of Instagram Repost

    As speculation on social media spread, Instagram confirmed that they were indeed developing Instagram Repost function. In fact, development has reached the testing stage. Their statement says

    We are exploring the function of forwarding posts in the feed - similar to the way of forwarding posts in the store - so that people can share the content that resonates with them, so that the creators will be praised for their work [...] We plan to use a few people soon.

    Although Twitter and TikTok have their own "forward" function, Instagram seems to be lagging behind in this regard. At present, the only way to share posts on Instagram is to publish them to your Instagram story. This method is not as effective as that used by Twitter and Tiktok, because Instagram stories will disappear in 24 hours.

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