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What is a credit card (basic details about what is a credit card)

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What is a credit card (basic details about what is a credit card)


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  • 2024-06-10 06:01:36

    1. Credit card, also called credit card, is a credit certificate issued by commercial banks or credit card companies to qualified consumers.

    2. The form is a card with the name of the issuing bank, validity period, number, name of the cardholder and other contents printed on the front, and a magnetic strip and signature strip on the back.

    3. Consumers with credit cards can go to special commercial service departments for shopping or consumption, and then the bank will settle with merchants and cardholders, who can overdraw within the specified limit.

    4. The credit card stipulated in the relevant laws of our country (the Interpretation of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on the Provisions on Credit Cards) refers to the electronic payment card issued by commercial banks or other financial institutions that has all or part of the functions of consumer payment, credit loan, transfer settlement, cash deposit and withdrawal, etc.

    5. On December 1, 2017, the Standard for English Translation in the Public Service Field was officially implemented, stipulating that the standard English name of credit card is Credit Card.

    6. The credit card is generally a special carrier plastic card with a length of 85.60mm, a width of 53.98mm and a thickness of 1mm, with the issuer's name, validity period, number, cardholder's name and other contents printed on the front and chip, magnetic strip and signature strip on the back.

    7. Cardholders can purchase, consume and deposit and withdraw cash from banks with their credit cards.

    8. Credit card consumption is a non cash transaction payment method, which requires no cash payment and will be repaid on the billing date.

    9. Credit card is divided into credit card and quasi credit card. Credit card refers to the credit card that the cardholder has a certain credit limit and can consume before repaying within the credit limit; The quasi credit card refers to the quasi credit card that the cardholder deposits a certain amount of petty cash as required and can overdraw within the specified credit limit when the balance of the petty cash account is insufficient for payment.

    10. The credit card generally refers to credit card only.

    11. From January 1, 2021, the credit card overdraft interest rate will be determined by the card issuer and the cardholder through independent negotiation, and the management of the upper limit and lower limit of the credit card overdraft interest rate will be canceled (the original upper limit is 5/10000 of the daily interest rate, and the lower limit is 0.7 times of 5/10000 of the daily interest rate).


    2024-06-10 06:01:36

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