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Zhai Town Junior High School in Xintai City (About Zhai Town Junior High School in Xintai City)

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Zhai Town Junior High School in Xintai City (About Zhai Town Junior High School in Xintai City)


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  • 2024-06-12 13:01:38

    1. Zhai No. 1 Middle School in Xintai City is located in the residence of Zhai Town Government, covering an area of 108.77 mu, with a total construction area of 17276.4 square meters.

    2. The school adheres to the school running idea of "teacher oriented, student oriented, and preparing for the development of students throughout their lives", pays attention to the healthy growth of every student, comprehensively implements quality education, opens a full range of courses, opens enough class hours, standardizes management, reduces the burden of students, develops students' strengths, and provides students with a loose, harmonious, democratic and open growth space.

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