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What's the function of black jujube (the real function of black jujube)

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What's the function of black jujube (the real function of black jujube)


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  • 2024-06-12 22:01:37

    The real black jujube, also known as Junqianzi, is a deciduous tree of persimmon family, distributed in western Asia and southern Europe. Jujube has a flat nature and is rich in vitamins, minerals, pectin, dietary fiber and other nutrients. Regular consumption can lower blood pressure, blood fat, enhance human immunity, help digestion, etc. It can also play a role in anemia and hepatitis.

    1、 The true efficacy of black jujube

    1. Black jujube contains rutin, a natural substance, which can soften blood vessels, accelerate blood circulation, thereby enhancing the contractility of the heart and reducing blood pressure. In addition, black jujube also contains rich cellulose, which can prevent cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other diseases, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, and relieve constipation. In addition, it can also reduce blood fat and blood sugar.

    2. Black jujube is rich in vitamin C, and proper consumption can enhance human immunity. Black dates also contain calcium and iron. Regular consumption has certain therapeutic effect on anemia, thrombocytopenia, hepatitis, insomnia, etc. It can also nourish the liver and kidney;

    3. Black jujube is a kind of persimmon food, which contains a lot of tannins. After entering the human body, it can play the role of antibacterial, antiviral, free radical scavenging, antioxidant, antimutagenic and anti-tumor.

    4. Calcium contained in black jujube can promote bone development and increase bone density. Regular consumption can prevent osteoporosis and bone and joint diseases.

    Black jujube is rich in nutrition, and regular consumption is very beneficial to human health. However, it must be noted that black dates contain a lot of pectin and tannic acid, and should not be eaten on an empty stomach. In addition, black dates also contain protein, fat and sugar, which should be eaten selectively according to their own conditions.


    2024-06-12 22:01:37

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