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Can the difference between alkaline noodles and baking soda still be used after expiration (difference between alkaline noodles and baking soda)

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Can the difference between alkaline noodles and baking soda still be used after expiration (difference between alkaline noodles and baking soda)


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  • 2024-06-12 17:00:00

    Alkali surface is white powder, baking soda is white fine crystal; Soda noodles are mostly used to soak dry goods, and baking soda is mostly used to make bread; Alkali surface is irritant, and baking soda is mild; Alkali surface is alkaline and soluble in water, while bicarbonate is weakly alkaline and insoluble in water; The surface stability of alkali is stronger than that of baking soda, which will not decompose when heated, while baking soda is easy to decompose when heated.

    1、 The difference between alkaline noodles and baking soda

    1. Different appearances

    Alkali and baking soda are white substances, but alkali is white powder, baking soda is white fine crystal.

    2. Different functions.

    Alkaline noodles are generally used to soak dry goods or decompose protein in food, and baking soda is used to make bread or bread, which can make food more fluffy and soft.

    3. Different stimuli.

    Alkaline surface is highly irritating and has a pungent smell. Sodium bicarbonate is mild. It will not be irritating and has no taste when used moderately.

    4. The alkalinity is different.

    Alkaline surface is alkaline and soluble in water, while bicarbonate of soda is weakly alkaline and usually melts in hot water at 50 ℃.

    5. Different stability

    Alkali has good surface stability and will not decompose when heated, while baking soda has relatively poor stability and will decompose into sodium carbonate, water and carbon dioxide when heated.


    2024-06-12 17:00:00

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