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Lang Shuai (basic details about Lang Shuai)

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Lang Shuai (basic details about Lang Shuai)


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  • 2024-06-18 00:01:34

    1. Lang Shuai, male, born on June 29, 1991, is a cross fire player, a lifelong honorary member and a legendary cross fire sniper.

    2. In 2013, he entered the WCG Hall of Fame.

    3. In 2014, he entered the WCA Hall of Fame.

    4. Won the championship of CFPL All Star Individual Sports Sniper Game for four times.

    5. At present, 70KG has been retired and transformed into a CFPL commentator.

    The basic details of Lang Shuai in this article have been explained, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.


    2024-06-18 00:01:34

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