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Meiwen (basic details about Meiwen)

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Meiwen (basic details about Meiwen)


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  • 2024-06-28 06:00:00

    1. Meiwen is a portal website about American life information.

    2. It consists of three parts: American News, American Encyclopedia and American Theme Forum. It is a large social information platform for reporting, introducing and discussing the United States.

    3. American news covers the headlines and highlights of more than 100 mainstream American media; American Encyclopedia systematically provides encyclopedia knowledge on 15 aspects of American immigration, education, tourism, life, entertainment, etc., and exhausts information in every aspect; The American Forum builds a social platform with American themes to discuss various kinds of American topics, which can be solemn or humorous. With unique celebrity resources, it can trigger interactions and exchanges between readers and celebrities, as well as between readers.


    2024-06-28 06:00:00

  • life Relevant knowledge

  • life
  • daily life

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