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Dawn Morning Star (basic details about Dawn Morning Star)

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Dawn Morning Star (basic details about Dawn Morning Star)


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  • 2024-06-17 19:00:00

    1. Dawn Morning Star, a popular online fantasy writer, whose representative works are Dark Night King and Stardust Mercenary, died in the early morning of December 15, 2010 at the age of 32.

    2. At dawn, the morning star lives in the Eternal Night Devil Temple, the sixth bandit in the hell. He likes YY, speaks nonsense, likes jokes, and FB is incomparable.

    3. In ancient Greek mythology, Lucifer was called the Star of Dawn (the bringer of dawn), which was the brightest star in the sky before the dawn except the moon - Venus.

    4. Lucifer was once the highest angel in heaven (the fiery angel with six wings of Holy Light), and he has not fallen from his previous position as archangel.

    5. Because of his excessive nobility, he intended to be equal to God, led a third of the angels in the heaven to raise the flag, and fell into Satan due to failure.

    The basic details of Dawn Morning Star in this article have been explained, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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