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Can Low gluten Flour Replace Starch (Can Flour Replace Starch)

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Can Low gluten Flour Replace Starch (Can Flour Replace Starch)


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  • 2024-06-12 22:01:37

    Flour cannot replace starch. Flour and starch are two different things with different uses. Flour is divided into high, medium and low gluten flour, which is one of the most common staple foods in life. It is mainly used for making cakes, cakes, bread, steamed buns, steamed buns, dumpling skins, etc. Starch includes corn starch, mung bean starch, sweet potato starch, etc. It is mostly used for making jelly or cooking seasoning to thicken food.

    1、 Flour can not replace starch

    But flour and starch are two different things. They are widely used, but each has its own characteristics and cannot be replaced. Flour is one of the most common staple foods in life, while starch is not. Starch is mostly used as seasoning for cooking food, and corn starch is the most widely used one in life. It can make meat tender, smooth and refreshing, but flour can't make it.

    Flour can be divided into high gluten flour, medium gluten flour and low gluten flour. High gluten flour is mostly used for cakes, cakes and bread, and medium gluten flour is mostly used for making steamed bread. Starch includes corn starch, mung bean starch and sweet potato starch. Mung bean starch has the best quality, but its yield is small. Corn has high yield and good quality, and is widely used.

    When cooking, add a little starch to make the soup thicker and more delicious. But flour can not achieve this effect, and putting it wrong will only backfire.


    2024-06-12 22:01:37

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