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Practice of fresh corn cake (practice of corn cake)

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Practice of fresh corn cake (practice of corn cake)


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  • 2024-06-12 22:01:37

    The practice of tortilla is very simple. First, prepare two eggs. Add sugar to the eggs and mix them evenly. Then add corn flour and milk to mix them into corn paste. Then fry corn cakes in the pan. Corn cakes are rich in nutrients, which can ensure that you eat delicious food. There are too many fine grains. It is good for your health to make coarse grains occasionally to adjust your taste.

    1、 Corn Cake

    Ingredients: 2 eggs, 1 bottle of milk, some corn flour, and some sugar.

    1. Stir eggs

    Beat the eggs in a bowl, then add some sugar and stir. It is better to put the four chopsticks tightly together and quickly stir the eggs.

    2. Mixed corn paste

    Add milk and cornmeal to the egg bowl and stir well. It is better to add milk while stirring, so that the amount can be controlled until the corn paste appears.

    3. Fried corn cake

    Pour proper amount of oil into the pan, turn down the heat until it smokes, put the prepared corn paste into the pan to form a cake, pay attention to the gap between the two cakes, fry until the surface is shaped, shake the pan, and then turn over to fry the corn cake. When the color and hardness of both sides are similar, you can smell the fragrance and start cooking.

    Conclusion: Corn cake is sweet and delicious, and can be used as staple food. The elderly and children love to eat and are especially good at cooking. Their nutrition is also very comprehensive. Have you learned? Let's try it together.

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