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Sahara Sanmao (basic details on Sahara Sanmao)

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Sahara Sanmao (basic details on Sahara Sanmao)


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  • 2024-06-18 11:01:36

    1. The Story of the Sahara is a collection of autobiographical prose stories written by Sanmao and published by Beijing October Literature and Art Publishing House in March 2017.

    2. The book is a combination of 12 wonderful and moving essays. Among them, "Hotel in the Desert" is the first text Sanmao picked up after adapting to the desolate and monotonous life in the desert. Since then, Sanmao has written a series of stories with the desert as the background, which has fascinated Chinese readers all over the world.


    2024-06-18 11:01:36

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