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Solution to Access Denied (Access Denied)

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Solution to Access Denied (Access Denied)


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  • 2024-06-13 08:01:38

    1. Access to rejected solution

    2. 1. Right click the file that cannot be opened, and click "Properties".

    3. 2. In the Properties window, click Security in the task options, and then enter Advanced.

    4. 3. Click "Owner" in the gay setting window, and then select Edit below.

    5. 4. Select your own account and check "Replace sub container and object owner" below, and then click "OK".

    6. 5. When you are finished, go back and click the Security tab, and then click Edit in the middle.

    7. 6. Delete all accounts except yourself, set the right side of the account to Allow, and then click OK.

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