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Spring pictures Short stroke pictures (paintings of spring)

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Spring pictures Short stroke pictures (paintings of spring)


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  • 2024-06-13 04:01:38

    1. First draw a big circle, and then draw two swallows in the big circle. You can first draw a crescent shape as the wing of the swallow, then draw an inverted "M" as the tail, use a small circle to draw the head, then draw a sharp mouth, and then decorate a small black spot as the eye.

    2. Then, draw the distant mountain at the bottom, and then draw three hanging willows, with fallen leaves on them.

    3. Then, draw two clouds with wavy lines, and pay attention to the position and size of the clouds.

    4. Finally, the beautiful colors are used to paint the elements, and such a simple and beautiful spring painting is completed.

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