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How to kill and wash loaches

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How to kill and wash loaches


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  • 2024-06-12 16:00:00

    Soak the loach in a salt bucket for 2 days to clean its intestines and kill it at the same time. Then, put the loach into clean water to wash away the mucus, subtract the head and tail with large scissors, cut off the fins with small scissors, take out the viscera, and wash with clean water. After all treatments are completed, wash all loaches with clean water, so that the treatment is completed.

    1、 Treatment method of loach

    Prepare a bucket of salt water, and put the loach bought in a bucket of salt water for about 1-2 days. This can kill the loach while clearing the intestines. Put the loach into a bucket of clean water and stir it to remove the viscous liquid on the loach.

    Prepare a pair of big scissors and a pair of small scissors. Use big scissors to remove the head and tail of the loach, and then use small scissors to peel off the fins of the loach. After the head and tail of the loach are removed, the head of the loach is cut from the head to the anus, and then the internal organs are peeled off and washed with clean water.

    After all loaches are treated, put them into clean water for cleaning. The loach has been processed and can be cooked.

    Why do loaches soak in salt water?

    The reason why the loach will soak in the salt water when cleaning is that it will keep rolling in it, and at the same time, it will remove the dirt from its body. After a period of time, they will lose their vitality, which will be easier to treat.


    2024-06-12 16:00:00

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