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Bu Feiyan Wulin Inn (basic details about Bu Feiyan Wulin Inn)

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Bu Feiyan Wulin Inn (basic details about Bu Feiyan Wulin Inn)


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  • 2024-06-27 20:01:36

    1. Wulin Inn is a book published by World Knowledge Publishing House in 2006.

    2. The book tells about Guo Ao, the "Sword God", Li Qingchou, the "Jade Hand Doctor", and Tie Hen, the "Iron Face Hunt" in the Six Gates Gate, who received the post of the god of wealth at the same time. They came to the Wulin Inn after a life and death struggle, and fell into the big suspense of the Demon Sect. Finally, all the suspensions were solved in Shaolin Temple.

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