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Shenyang Yutian Experimental Middle School (basic details about Shenyang Yutian Experimental Middle School)

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Shenyang Yutian Experimental Middle School (basic details about Shenyang Yutian Experimental Middle School)


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  • 2024-06-04 22:00:00

    1. Shenyang Yutian Experimental Middle School was founded in September 1995. The school has five campuses in the east, west, central, Xinmin and north of Shenyang. The school buildings are all owned by the school.

    2. The school covers an area of 14754 square meters, with a building area of 10543 square meters.

    3. There are more than 200 teaching staff and 4800 students at school.

    4. The school has multi-functional physics laboratory, chemical laboratory, biological laboratory and reading room, computer room, music classroom, art classroom and other special classrooms, with full-time laboratory staff.

    5. In 2004, the school invested more than 1 million yuan to build a campus network for the East Campus and the New Campus, realizing at least one computer in each office, one computer in each classroom and one LCD projector.

    6. In order to integrate high-quality education resources, Beijing Yutian Experimental Middle School was established in 2005.

    The basic details of Shenyang Yutian Experimental Middle School are explained in this article, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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