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Binhai Middle School (basic details about Binhai Middle School)

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Binhai Middle School (basic details about Binhai Middle School)


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  • 2024-06-21 00:01:34

    1. Weifang Binhai Senior High School, located in Xicheng District (Dajiawa Street), Weifang Binhai Economic and Technological Development Zone, Shandong Province, China, is a national public full-time senior high school, a modern education model middle school in Shandong Province, and a key middle school in Weifang City.

    2. Weifang Binhai Middle School was founded in 1958. With nearly a hundred years of teaching experience, profound culture and long history, it has become a famous school with a hundred years of brilliance.

    3. Weifang Binhai Middle School is one of the first batch of information technology demonstration schools in Shandong Province, a model school for running schools according to law in Shandong Province, an advanced unit for recruiting pilots in Shandong Province, a star school for standardized school running in Weifang City, a star school for educational quality in Weifang City, a star school with school running characteristics in Weifang City, a star school for curriculum setting in Weifang City, and a star school for curriculum implementation in Weifang City.

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