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Beijing Technician College (basic details about Beijing Technician College)

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Beijing Technician College (basic details about Beijing Technician College)


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  • 2024-06-17 19:00:00

    1. Beijing Institute of Industrial Technicians (Beijing Industrial Senior Technical School) is a comprehensive vocational education and training base for senior workers, technicians and senior technicians to undertake socialized training, which was approved by the Beijing Municipal Government and upgraded on the basis of Beijing Chemical Advanced Vocational and Technical School in January 2002.

    2. At present, the college has five professional departments.

    3. Among them, the Department of Intelligence and the Department of Culture and Innovation are located in the north campus of Beijing Institute of Industrial Technicians, while the Department of Environmental Protection, the Department of Automobile Repair and the Department of Numerical Control are located in the south campus of Beijing Institute of Industrial Technicians.

    The basic details of this article about Beijing Technician College are explained, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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