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Theme of Everlasting Regret Song (basic details about the theme of Everlasting Regret Song)

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Theme of Everlasting Regret Song (basic details about the theme of Everlasting Regret Song)


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  • 2024-06-28 17:00:00

    1. Song of Everlasting Regret is a novel written by Wang Anyi and first published in 1996.

    2. On September 23, 2019, the novel was selected into the "Collection of 70 Novels in 70 Years of New China".

    3. The Song of Everlasting Regret describes a woman's love experience for 40 years.

    4. Wang Qiyao, a middle school student, is an ordinary girl in a lane in Shanghai, but she is not ordinary because she is extremely beautiful, almost reaching the realm of sinking fish and falling geese, closing the moon and blushing flowers.

    5. Since she was elected as the "Miss Shanghai", her fate has changed. She has become a woman of a senior official.

    6. Later, when Shanghai was liberated and its officers were killed, Wang Qiyao became an ordinary street girl again, but her calm on the surface could not hide the ups and downs of her heart.

    7. She was entangled with several men and had a complicated relationship. Later, Wang Qiyao, who was in the age of destiny, fell in love with a man about the same age as her daughter. Finally, she was killed by her daughter's classmate's boyfriend because of money.

    8. The style of the novel is cold, humorous, delicate and moving.

    9. On September 23, 2019, the novel was selected into the "Collection of 70 Novels in 70 Years of New China".

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