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The meaning of knowing oneself and knowing the enemy will not be defeated in a hundred battles (basic details about the meaning of knowing oneself and knowing the enemy will not be defeated in a hundred battles)

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The meaning of knowing oneself and knowing the enemy will not be defeated in a hundred battles (basic details about the meaning of knowing oneself and knowing the enemy will not be defeated in a hundred battles)


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  • 2024-06-17 22:00:00

    1. Know yourself and your enemy, and win every battle.

    2. It means that if we have a thorough understanding of the situation of both the enemy and our side, there will be no danger in fighting hundreds of battles.

    3. The phrase comes from Sun Tzu's Chapter of Seeking Attack: "Knowing the enemy and the friend will not defeat you in every battle; knowing the enemy and the friend will defeat you in every battle; knowing the enemy and the friend will defeat you in every battle.


    The basic details of the meaning of knowing oneself and the enemy will not be defeated in a hundred battles are explained in this article, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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