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Pokemon silver is the gold standard of Pokemon games

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Pokemon silver is the gold standard of Pokemon games


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  • 2024-06-15 19:01:40

    Those who know me a little will not be surprised that the game I have been reviewing in the past few weeks is Pok é monSilver. When Nintendo relaunched Gold and Silver in its virtual store on September 22, I held the 3DS and prepared to jump back to Johto.

    Usually, the first game you played in the series has some magic power - no matter how good the previous or subsequent games are, you will feel in debt.

    Therefore, people often ask me what my favorite game in the series is, and I will instinctively name the first game I played, even if it is not my favorite. I have told more than one person that Grand Theft Auto III is the best GTA title when it is obviously Sin City. However, this is not the case for me in the Pok é mon series.

    Second generation, but not emotionally

    Ask me what my favorite Pokemon game is, and I won't tell you Red - I will answer Silver without hesitation. Of course, the gold medal is basically the same game, which is also commendable, but the silver medal is the version I choose. I have only one vague idea of the reason behind this.

    Maybe it was released when I was at the peak of the Pokemon craze. ard has accumulated transaction cards like currency, and has a special interest in animation, so that when Netflix exists, it will create a notice of "you no longer watch" for concern.

    It may also be because Silver has made such a significant improvement in Red (a game I already like better than most people) that it surprised my little children. The story of Pok é mon's second generation is that the story structure or mechanism has not changed much.

    This is my home This is my home

    However, what it did was significantly improve all aspects before and after these things. All you have left is a comfortable and familiar game, which has a significantly better appearance and feel, more depth and vitality.

    It's like someone took your favorite soft and cute dog toy and replaced it with a live puppy.

    What kind of changes really help? Well, the internal clock shocked me at that time. I can't believe that the night will fall into the game world in the real world. You can only catch some Pok é mon at some time of the day. This fact could have been a small aesthetic change, but it will bring about more profound changes in the game.

    Walking in a city like Goldenrod at night is also very exciting, because I have no intention of doing such things at home in Glasgow at such a young age. To be honest, I don't plan to do so much now.

    GameFreak uses color, which is super effective

    When it comes to aesthetic changes, the game really looks better. Thanks to the Game Boy Color console, its color has a rainbow, and the animation effect has also been improved.

    Then there is Pok é mon, which makes me feel that I am becoming friends with NPCs full of the game world, instead of letting the scarred and broken coach team everywhere on the roadside be unable to reach the Pok é mon Center for help.

    To sum up, all these things make Johto feel like a breathing world full of life. Even if you close Game Boy, it still exists.

    However, one of the best things about Pok é mon Silver is that it can not only recall the past experiences in its own world, but also recall the red and blue events of Pok é mon.

    It makes me think what I did in Pokemon Red is very important. Pok é mon games can be built independently of each other, and can be used as independent games at the same time, but subtle threads combine the first and second generation games in a way that never happened before.

    It's a good feeling to fight back against the people who beat the red and blue "Rockets", but the most important thing is that once you beat the "senior" elite team, you can visit the Kanto area again to see what changes have taken place in your absence and face tough combat tasks. Your past self

    When you arrive in Kanto, you can do whatever you want freely, and explore the world that was once your training wheel as a champion. This makes you feel that you have really come a long way since you played the game for the first time, and created a sense of adventure, scale and freedom, which is not found in any recent game.

    However, I really don't want to rediscover one thing: Whitney's Miltank, the head of the stadium. I think I have repressed my memory, but last week's incident tormented me as much as when I first came to power. Open the forgotten wound again. My irrational fear of cows can be traced back to this race.

    Eager for steak Eager for steak

    Despite Whitney and her damned Miltank, the gold and silver improvements in Pok é mon have consolidated the essence of the series and ensured its place in the small corner of my brain where I can't extricate myself. For me, these games are still the core and soul of franchise, which can explain the naming of HeartGold and SoulSilver, which are remade by DS.

    Re accessing the game will bring you the shock of the whole series, which is rare, but replaying Pok é monSilver will make me more excited to see what Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon and Pok é monSwitch can bring.

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