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Ivermectin (basic details of Ivermectin)

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Ivermectin (basic details of Ivermectin)


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  • 2024-06-30 21:00:00

    1. Ivermectin is a new type of broad-spectrum, high efficiency, low toxicity antibiotic antiparasitic drug, which has a good killing effect on parasites in vivo and in vitro, especially nematodes and arthropods.

    2. But it has no effect on tapeworm, trematode and protozoa.

    3. The repellent effect of macrolide antiparasitic drugs on nematodes and arthropods is to increase the release of γ - aminobutyric acid (GABA), the inhibitory transmitter of the worm, and to open the Cl ion channel controlled by glutamic acid, so as to enhance the permeability of nerve membrane to Cl, thus blocking the transmission of nerve signals, eventually paralyzing the nerve and making muscle cells lose their contractility, This will lead to the death of the insect.


    2024-06-30 21:00:00

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