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How good and fast is the soldering pillow (soldering pillow)

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How good and fast is the soldering pillow (soldering pillow)


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  • 2024-06-13 05:01:37

    1. 1. Hot compress method

    2. Hot compress is a commonly used method in our daily life. You can apply hot water bag or soak towel with hot water. During hot compress, we can also add some aged vinegar or other traditional Chinese medicine according to our own conditions. Hot compress has a good effect on relieving pain.

    3. 2. Blow with a blower

    4. Another easy way is to use a hair dryer to blow hot air to the neck. Blowing hot air with a hair dryer can promote shoulder and neck blood circulation and relieve pain. When blowing hot air, blow the shoulder and neck hot. The time should not be too long. Be careful not to get too close to the skin to avoid scalding.

    5. 3. Massage

    6. Massage is the most commonly used method to treat falling pillow. After almost all of us burn pillows, the first thing we think of is massage. When massaging, gently rub the palms, stretch the neck as far as possible, and then gently massage the neck with warm palms. The movement and strength should be from light to heavy and then to fast. You can press it on your neck until you feel hot. At the same time, there are many acupoints in our body that can be massaged, which also has a good effect on the treatment of pillows. For example, between the index finger of the middle finger on the back of the hand and the metacarpal bone is the occipital point. When the pillow is uncomfortable, you may as well press this point more.

    7. 4. Apply plaster

    8. Put some pain relieving cream on your neck when you fall on the pillow. This method has a good analgesic effect, but some people feel that the neck movement is limited after applying the plaster. When sticking plaster, try not to use this method according to your own constitution, such as allergic people or pregnant women.

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