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Abstinence Record (basic details about Abstinence Record)

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Abstinence Record (basic details about Abstinence Record)


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  • 2024-06-04 23:00:00

    1. Abstinence is an online TV series directed by Lei Xianhe and starred by Ma Shihong and Bai Qing.

    2. The play tells that Zhang Dajiu, the director of the Jiangyan Village Committee, has become addicted to drinking and has hurt the villagers' hearts. People give him the nickname "Big Wine Bag".

    3. His wife, Yan Huawei, told him to quit drinking and threatened him with divorce. She didn't want to make a fake story come true.

    4. The play began to be released on Sohu Video, Le.com, Ku6 and other network platforms in 2000.

    The basic details of this article about abstinence will be explained, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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