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Special coatings (basic details of special coatings)

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Special coatings (basic details of special coatings)


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  • 2024-06-28 03:00:00

    1. Special coatings refer to new coatings that are essentially different from traditional coatings. Special coatings endow objects with various special functions.

    2. Different special coatings have different characteristics.

    3. Special coatings refer to all kinds of coatings for special purposes. In addition to their protective effects, these coatings also have some special properties to meet the design needs of the coated products. High temperature resistance is one of the specific applications of special coatings.

    4. It can be said that it is the special needs of some products applied in special environments that promote the research and development of special coatings. In some cases, the protective performance of special coatings is not its main use. The new high temperature resistant special coatings can change the process and improve production technology.

    5. With the progress of modern science and technology, coatings with special characteristics have been developed. Their unique properties have made many products and equipment give full play to their special characteristics and become an indispensable new variety in the coating industry.

    6. Special coatings have a wide range of types and uses, and are forming a large-scale high-tech industrial group, which has a very broad market prospect and extremely important strategic significance.

    7. All countries in the world attach great importance to the research, development and application of special coatings.

    8. From the perspective of the market level of special coatings, special coatings have exclusive R&D technology, the market is at the leading level in China and has a high market share.

    9. The future market of special coatings will be concentrated in the middle and high-end markets (the high-end market should also include the coating market of emerging special fields). Whether it can meet the needs of the middle and high-end markets can test the real strength of a coating enterprise.

    10. In addition, the technology added value of special coating products in the middle and high-end fields is high, which has always been coveted by many coating enterprises.

    11. Compared with the situation that Chinese special coating enterprises generally dominate the low-end market, it will be difficult to gain a foothold in the future special coating market competition without changing their technical disadvantages.


    2024-06-28 03:00:00

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