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What is Taisui? What is offending Taisui? (What is Taisui?)

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What is Taisui? What is offending Taisui? (What is Taisui?)


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  • 2024-06-12 14:00:00

    Taisui is a kind of meat glossy ganoderma, which is very rare. It is the top grade of medicinal materials. In ancient times, people believed that Taisui was an elixir of life. It was recorded in the Book of Mountains and Rivers that Yao, Shun and Yu were all over 100 years old and had eaten Taisui. And Taisui also has its own regenerative ability. The existing Taisui also weighs a hundred jin and has grown for a hundred years.

    1、 What is Taisui

    Taisui is a kind of Ganoderma lucidum growing in the soil. It has strong vitality, but modern medicine defines it as a multi strain complex. It is still a mystery what kind of strain it is and what kind of medical effect it has.

    Taisui will not rot and deteriorate in water. Myxomycetes reproduce mainly by spores and hyphae and have strong activity. They can be cut down at will and regenerate, but they are not growing endlessly and grow slowly.

    Taisui is recorded in the ancient books Shennong's Classic of Materia Medica, Shanhaijing, and Compendium of Materia Medica, all of which appear in the name of Ganoderma lucidum and are considered by the ancients to be the elixir of life. Since Yao, Shun, Yu and other emperors were all over 100 years old and had eaten glossy ganoderma, later emperors were looking for this "elixir of immortality".

    Are you too old now?

    In many areas, people still dig out Taisui from the ground, some of them weigh dozens of kilograms, and all of them are living Taisui. This kind of Taisui is invaluable, and many businessmen are eager to buy it. There are also many time-honored Taisui for people to watch in the Museum of Chinese Medical History.

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