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Musa flower (introduction to basic details of Musa flower)

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Musa flower (introduction to basic details of Musa flower)


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  • 2024-06-09 23:00:00

    1. Musa flower is the flower bud or flower of Musa.

    2. Spike terminal, pendulous; The bracts are buddha shaped, reddish brown or purple, and each bract has many florets. Except for 3-4 sterile flowers at the bottom of the bract, the rest are developed.

    3. Flowers unisexual, usually male flowers at the upper part of the bouquet, female flowers at the lower part; Corolla nearly labiate, upper lip longer, apex 5-toothed, lower lip shorter, base covered by upper lip; Male flowers with stamens 5, free, protruding corolla; Drug linear, 2-compartment; Female flower ovary inferior 3-loculed, style 1, stigma subcapitate, smooth.

    4. It has a unique fresh sweet taste.

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