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Pumpkin (basic details about pumpkin)

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Pumpkin (basic details about pumpkin)


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  • 2024-07-01 01:01:30

    1. Cucurbita moschata (Duch. ex Lam.) Duch Ex Poiret) An annual trailing herb of Cucurbitaceae, belonging to the genus Cucurbitaceae. Its stems often take root at the nodes. Its petioles are thick, its leaves are wide ovate or oval in shape, slightly soft in texture, its veins are raised, its tendrils are slightly thick, it is monoecious, and its fruit stalks are thick, with edges and grooves. Depending on the variety, there are often several longitudinal grooves or none on the outside, and many seeds are long ovate or oblong.

    2. It originates from Mexico to Central America and is widely cultivated around the world.

    3. It was introduced into China in the Ming Dynasty and is now widely planted in the north and south.

    4. Pumpkin fruit can be used as food and food substitute.

    5. Each part of the whole plant is also used for medicine. The seeds contain pumpkin seed amino acids, which have the effects of heat clearing, dehumidification and insect repelling. They have the effects of controlling and killing schistosomiasis. Rattan has the effect of heat clearing, and melon root has the effect of foetus protection, and can cure toothache.


    2024-07-01 01:01:30

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